Jun 29, 2012

Friday Favorites : Babies

I don’t think I’ve seen this weekly thing out there. I see a lot of Wordless Wednesdays, Sunday Confessions and things like that. Last night I was thinking about blog stuff instead of sleeping. I’m a REALLY bad sleeper sometimes. ha. I came up with something else that I honestly just can’t remember right now, BUT I did think of Friday Favorites. If someone else out there is doing this, totally sorry if I took your idea. Actually, no. I’m not. I’m okay with it. I really like the Sunday Confessions that Kristan Lynn does. She also has some super awesome Wordless Wednesdays because she has a couple of the cutest kids EVER.  Anywayyyy, I’m not super great at planning these things out yet. Since writing and sharing about your favorite things is way easier than just coming up with ideas I really think this should work out well.
My first Friday’s Favorites post will be about my favorite babies :) I don’t have any babies of my own – well, at least not human babies. I have a Yorkie named Brody though. He is my furbaby. He’ll be 5 years old on July 11th!  Because he is my absolute favorite baby EVER, he will get a post all about him next month. I also have a fish named Sheldon. He’ll be 2 years old in December. Let’s say December 4th – Petco doesn’t supply you with the birth information on fish like they do other pets so I’ve decided his birthday is December 4th. Back to my favorite (human) babies…

My best friend Mikey has three awesome little girls. They are my favorite little girls in the entire world. The oldest is Savannah.

The middle baby is Charlee.

The newest baby is Aleeah.

My other bestie has one baby boy-Parker. He’s my favorite little boy in the whole world!

I know when you’re a parent you’re not really supposed to tell people which kid is your favorite. Everyone knows my furbaby Brody is my absolute favorite, but man I love these kids so much! I’ve been through so much with their parents. Being Aunt Vicki is really fun too :)

Are you a parent or an aunt or uncle? If not, who is your favorite person?  I’d love for you to share!


  1. What a darling blog!! Great work!!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment :)
