Jul 26, 2012

Etsy Favorites – Branches

My laptop is alive again!!!! I’m so glad my aunt’s boyfriend is a computer genius. Unfortunately, all my stuff was wiped. BUT thank goodness for Facebook and iTunes huh? There was a very small amount of information on my computer that wasn’t already saved somewhere out in the internet. I’ve got some tutorials and sneak peeks of new fluffies coming to the shop soon…so hopefully you’ll check back to see that awesomeness!
I was checking out more handmade goodness on Etsy yesterday and ended up doing a search on branches. Does anyone else love trees as much as I do?? I think they’re beautiful. I REALLY like the ones with hardly any leaves. Not sure how to explain why, I just think they’re so pretty. I also really like the giant full ones too. I guess the ones in between I don’t really pay much attention to. Sooo I thought I’d show off some of my recently favorited items. These shops are AMAZING.
heartnotincludedJewelry Tree by Heart Not Included
woodlandbelle Twig Bobby Pins by Woodland Belle
cozyblue Tree Pillow Covers by Cozy Blue
woodensage Branch Wall Hanging by Wooden Sage

I wish I had the extra money to splurge and buy pretty things for my apartment! My walls are still bare and it is just so sad. What amazing Etsy shops do you recommend I feature on my next Etsy Favorites post?


  1. loving all of these. those pillows are adorable! love the personalize initials ;)
    xo TJ

    1. They're so awesome right? Glad you liked them too! I need to do some saving so I can buy awesome stuff like this for my apartment :)

  2. i really like your blog hun, following you now! if you get a sec, i'd love you to check out my latest post!!


  3. Those bobby pins are so cute! They'd be great for an earthy, outdoor wedding.

    1. I agree! Although, I'd like to just wear them every other day :)

  4. haha YES thank goodness for facebook and itunes....And blog! I write everything on there and save everything on there! haha!
    My apartment walls are so bare as well!
    p.s. don't forget to be a part of the beauty series on my blog, started today, august 15 and there will be a post every midnight for the next nine days about beauty and what makes you beautiful! Plus, a giveaway at the end ;)
    have a great day!!!

  5. Wow; that stuff is pretty cool! I really like the nature element of things, so these branches are right up my alley. I think the wall hanging or the pillows are my favorite. (I've had a thing for pillows with interesting patterns, recently.) I love finding all sorts of natural-like elements there, and raw materials (like gemstones and rings and stuff).
