Jul 5, 2012

Etsy Favorites – Jewelry

I’m sitting here singing along with Alex Clare and surfing Etsy. I decided I should share some of my favorite items with you! Are you in love with Etsy like I am?? A couple of years ago, my friend introduced me to the site and I basically never left it. ha. There are so many super awesome things to discover. I’m amazed at the talent I come across. It really inspired me to be crafty :)
I’ve recently gotten really into accessories. I’m completely obsessed with watches and bracelets. Although, I’m proud of myself for having some great self control I’m sort of sad every single time I deny myself such pretty things. Today, I’ll show off a few things on my wish list of jewelry that I WISH I could own. If anyone wants to surprise me with presents I would TOTALLY love you forever :) On to the awesomeness…
SimplyYouJewelry super cute bracelet by Simply You Jewelry

wood bracelets by Threads
Moncadeau stackable rings by Mon Cadeau
RoseAndRaven owl necklace by Rose and Raven
ThirtySixTen wing ring by Thirty Six Ten

See anything you like? Are you a fabulous jewelry maker that likes to give out free presents? 


  1. Oh I love the second and third one :) So pretty girl!

  2. They're so great huh? I really love the Threads bracelets because they're sooo pretty AND support such a great cause!
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Those are some excellent finds!! My fav are those stackable rings!

  4. Thanks guys! I'll definitely be sure to do more Etsy favorites posts in the future!

  5. Etsy is a brilliant idea for small bussinesses to get bigger and do great! I love etsy.


    1. Thanks so much!! I'll be checking your site out too :)

  6. I love that owl necklace--I am such a sucker for anything involving owls!
