Sep 14, 2012


Is Halloween your favorite holiday?

 Mine is definitely Christmas, but Halloween comes in second. I'm slightly annoyed that Halloween isn't always on a Saturday. My favorite part is seeing all the little kids in their costumes. Sooo freakin' cute right?! Well, I work until about 7pm everyday AND I live in a small apartment complex so I'm sure I won't be getting any trick-or-treaters this year :( I also live right behind a church, so I'm guessing they won't be celebrating. I definitely will put Brody's pumpkin t-shirt on pretty much the entire month of October though. haha That's probably the closest thing to a costume he will wear. He doesn't like a lot of puppy clothing. The only thing I've really done to get ready for Halloween is craft some new fluffies for the shop! So far, they've been great sellers in my office! They've just been listed in Etsy so you should definitely check them out!

What have you done to prepare for Halloween? What are you going to dress up as?? Let me know your plans so I can be jealous :)


  1. These things are pretty dang adorable! The Frankenstein has got to be my favorite. And looking at the candy corn has definitely made me hungry. :) And, of course, I love all the eyes. Those huge, silly-looking eyes. It's only been a few days since you've posted this, but hopefully you're still just as excited for the holiday! I'm sorry you think you'll be missing out.

    1. Thank you so much! The eyes are my favorite part haha I try to give all my fluffies eyes that make you smile :) I'm still hoping I'll get to see cute little kids walking around the neighborhood. AND I'll be getting pictures of my cute nephew and nieces I'm sure!
