Jan 6, 2014


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This year I will...

I will be organized - I have made a schedule for blogging, sewing, eating, working out, social networking, etc. I WILL keep up with this schedule. 
I will save money - I have set up an auto draft out of my paycheck. It is a small amount for now, but I plan on increasing it. 
I will send more snail mail - It makes me happy. I want to make others happy. I'm on the hunt for cute stationary!
I will enroll in classes - I will do this before the summer. I need to finish up some classes so I can apply to a healthcare administration program.
I will improve my business - I will actually produce my ideas and sell them. It is in my schedule. 
I will print out and frame pictures - I finally bought myself a picture frame and put some of my favorite people in it right above my tv. It makes me smile EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I want more.
I will eat clean - My aunt and I have decided to cut out processed foods. 
I will work out six times per week - I've started a 30 day yoga challenge. There's an elliptical in our living room. My apartment has a gym. I cannot be lazy anymore. 

I've printed out this little collage I made and taped it to my closet door. We'll see how the year goes. I'll keep you updated :)

What are your goals for this year?

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