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Mar 18, 2013

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Mar 4, 2013

My Birthday Wishlist


Happy March people!

Thanks to Pinterest I have a wishlist titled : Gifts for ME. If you’re ever in the mood to buy me presents, I suggest you go there for ideas. OR come up with something awesome all on your own. Surprises are so fun! I never really intended that board to be used by others for inspiration on what to buy me haha It’s just for me. I guess for times when I have extra monies to throw around (which is NEVER). A girl can dream.

Just for fun, I decided to put together a few items together and call that a Birthday Wishlist. I guess I’d say they’re my most favorite things lately. Here it goes…

bday Collage


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9


Oh goodness I love shoes. If I ever win the lottery, I plan on buying every chucks and vans in every color. I’d say the same about nail polish. I LOVE nail polish. I’m currently wearing a coral nail polish that makes me smile when I check out my fingernails :) Another thing that makes me smile ALWAYS: Friends. It’s my favorite TV show EVER. I’ve been asking for the complete dvd set since I was aware it existed. Since it’s roughly $200 – no one ever buys it for me. Those things along with the other awesomeness I listed would be super awesome gifts. Just keep them in mind for future reference ;)

When is your birthday? Do you have an awesome birthday wishlist too?

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