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May 26, 2013

Long Weekend

I was so happy when I saw this long weekend on the work calendar! It has been so crazy at work. I've decided I need to leave the doctor's office I've been working at for almost four years. My boss has become ridiculous, I deserve to get paid more, I need benefits soon, and I don't want the long commute every freakin day. I'm looking for a new position AND hiring/training someone to take over my position when I leave. I hired someone that I knew wasn't good enough to take over my position, but my boss was so in love with her. He made me hire her. After interviewing her, I made a list of all the stuff she doesn't know and I would have to teach her. He still thought she was the best candidate. Well, turns out she really couldn't handle it. She yelled at me and argued with me a few times. Some people can't handle working under a younger person, and I am not sure if that was her problem. She did not like taking direction from me. It was a little ridiculous, but I was just trying to prepare her. I was never mean or nagging. She just couldn't handle it. My boss made me fire her on Friday. I knew she wasn't a good fit, but it still makes my stomach hurt when I have to fire someone. Now I have to start all over...

Then I went to dinner with my Gma. She fixes everything :) Yesterday we did some shopping. See the awesome top and sandals I got from Charming Charlie?! I actually got free sandals and a tote bag because I spent a certain amount! Then got my little brother's birthday present AND my dad's Father's Day present! Very productive day!

Today we will do some grocery shopping to BBQ tomorrow! What have you been up to this weekend?



May 21, 2013

Ikea Wishlist

Do you love Ikea as much as I do? It's been such a long time since I've been! I finally went this weekend and loved so much stuff! I swear when I have a house I'm going to want 8 bedrooms and 4 kitchens because it is so difficult to pick just one. I fell in love with this bed. Pretty sure I want to go ahead and buy it this summer. My current bed is from Ikea and I've had it for about 5 years. I also really love the shelf that would go really great with it. I've really gotten into the industrial look, so I'm a fan of all things metal. Oh! And that little mint cart is too cute isn't it!? It was in a craft room set up even though it is a kitchen cart. I think it's awesome no matter which room it's in. There's so many cute jars and bins that would go perfectly on each of it's shelves! Even though that white coffee table isn't metal like the rest, it is so freakin awesome because of its drawer and glass top so you can see the awesomeness you decide to put inside. However, I think it is overpriced so it will just be on my wishlist and not in my house anytime soon. Haha

The cool furniture and room setups are fun, but I really enjoy all the little stuff downstairs. The teeny cups and vases make me happy :) Oh! The pillows! There were so many cute pillows! What is your favorite part of Ikea?

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May 19, 2013

My weekend

Happy Sunday! 

Summer weather has finally hit Houston and I hate it! Friday after work, Selina and I went to Rice Village to eat and see some shops. Man was it gross outside! I don't mind heat as long as it is dry. Of course here in Houston it is pretty much never that way. It was sooo muggy! We ended up going to the Galleria just so we could be indoors. Saturday we went to Ikea! I haven't been in forever, so I was very excited :) I love looking at all the design ideas. I only bought a super cute vase. Also got a can opener per my Dad's request (apparently can openers break easily in his house). After Ikea we went to an awesome cupcake boutique in Town and Country Village. After more browsing, we came to my Gma's and had yummy chicken tortilla soup for dinner! I did some sewing (check out this guy in the shop) and watched movies while my Dad cooked. Today is pretty lazy. Just gave the pup a bath that he was not in the mood for haha Brave just came on TV. It is sucha CUTE movie! 

Here's some pictures from this weekend. You can follow me on Instagram to see more :)

How was your weekend?

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May 16, 2013

Shop News - The Tinderbox

Exciting news!

 It's Sooo Fluffy is now available at The Tinderbox! It is a sweet shop full of amazing works of art all handmade in Texas. You can even sign up to participate in workshops to make your own jewelry, soap, kids crafts, and so much more! If you're in the Houston area, you should definitely stop by Midtown to see this great place. You can now purchase my fluffies there! 


I got a baby iPad yesterday! I am sooo in love! I can finally use awesome apps like the BlogGo app by Dana from The Wonderforest and the super fun photo app by the lovely ladies at A Beautiful Mess. Do you have any suggestions for must have apps for the iPad mini?




May 1, 2013

Roundtable Goods - Pop Up Shop

This weekend I participated in Pop Up Shop Saturdays at Roundtable Goods. The weather was AWFUL. I didn't even realize just how awful it was. It took us THREE HOURS to get home (usually would take about 30 minutes) due to flooding. Thank goodness my hamster mobile (Kia Soul) got us through it all. We basically got to sit on a freeway for a couple hours because people were scared of the water. Some cars did get stuck and do some floating. Other than the awful weather, it was a pretty nice day :) haha I made a couple sales, met some super awesome people and got some sewing done.

There were some beautiful products there. My favorites were Surfer Bunny and Busy Bonnie Bee! Beautiful jewelry and super cute children's clothing and toys! Turns out Bonnie lives about 15 minutes away from me! It's so nice getting to know other artists. We plan on getting together to do a booth at another show toward the end of the year. Yay new friends :)

There's some changes going on over at Roundtable Goods. I'm excited to see what awesome opportunities come up in the future! I also may have some super exciting news about It's Sooo Fluffy! Be sure to check back soon to find out. Remember you can follow on FacebookTwitterInstagram or Bloglovin to keep up with all the fluffy awesomeness!

How was your weekend?