Dec 25, 2013
Dec 6, 2013
Sep 9, 2013
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This is my first post in the Blogtember: A September Blog Challenge. I took this short personality test. My outcome: ESFJ. It's amazing how just a small amount of questions can size a person up. I actually agree with the analysis! I especially agree with the career choices for my type. Apparently, I would be great at management, healthcare, or social services. Good thing I've spent the last few years in healthcare. More specifically, the last threeish years in healthcare management. I recently left my job pretty much running a doctor's office because I wasn't being recognized or appreciated for my hard work. I am going to finish school to get a degree in what I've already been doing so future employers will actually be willing to pay me more and give me a title instead of doing the work without any reward. I do love to help patients and be responsible for so much, but it really makes it all worth it if I am truly appreciated. As soon as I can save up some money and get a couple more basics out of the way I'll move forward to pursue a degree in healthcare administration instead of continuing with psychology.
Some fun facts! -- Famous ESFJ: Rachel McAdams. I like her :) A famous fictional ESFJ is Monica from Friends. I must say though, I am nowhere near as enthusiastic as Monica from Friends is about cleaning at home! You should see my desk at work though. It is always beautifully organized :D
Want to take the test too? I'd love for you to share your results!
Aug 31, 2013
Coming soon!

Jul 28, 2013
My New Office Space

Jun 30, 2013
Jun 16, 2013
Happy Father's Day

Jun 11, 2013
May 26, 2013
Long Weekend

May 21, 2013
Ikea Wishlist

May 19, 2013
My weekend
May 16, 2013
Shop News - The Tinderbox
May 1, 2013
Roundtable Goods - Pop Up Shop
This weekend I participated in Pop Up Shop Saturdays at Roundtable Goods. The weather was AWFUL. I didn't even realize just how awful it was. It took us THREE HOURS to get home (usually would take about 30 minutes) due to flooding. Thank goodness my hamster mobile (Kia Soul) got us through it all. We basically got to sit on a freeway for a couple hours because people were scared of the water. Some cars did get stuck and do some floating. Other than the awful weather, it was a pretty nice day :) haha I made a couple sales, met some super awesome people and got some sewing done.
There were some beautiful products there. My favorites were Surfer Bunny and Busy Bonnie Bee! Beautiful jewelry and super cute children's clothing and toys! Turns out Bonnie lives about 15 minutes away from me! It's so nice getting to know other artists. We plan on getting together to do a booth at another show toward the end of the year. Yay new friends :)
There's some changes going on over at Roundtable Goods. I'm excited to see what awesome opportunities come up in the future! I also may have some super exciting news about It's Sooo Fluffy! Be sure to check back soon to find out. Remember you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Bloglovin to keep up with all the fluffy awesomeness!
How was your weekend?
Apr 23, 2013
Etsy Favorites - Arrow Love
Apr 15, 2013
Pop Up Shop Saturdays - Roundtable Goods
Apr 11, 2013
Craft Show Display Inspiration
Apr 5, 2013
Happy Friday
Mar 18, 2013
Mar 4, 2013
My Birthday Wishlist
Happy March people!
Thanks to Pinterest I have a wishlist titled : Gifts for ME. If you’re ever in the mood to buy me presents, I suggest you go there for ideas. OR come up with something awesome all on your own. Surprises are so fun! I never really intended that board to be used by others for inspiration on what to buy me haha It’s just for me. I guess for times when I have extra monies to throw around (which is NEVER). A girl can dream.
Just for fun, I decided to put together a few items together and call that a Birthday Wishlist. I guess I’d say they’re my most favorite things lately. Here it goes…
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Oh goodness I love shoes. If I ever win the lottery, I plan on buying every chucks and vans in every color. I’d say the same about nail polish. I LOVE nail polish. I’m currently wearing a coral nail polish that makes me smile when I check out my fingernails :) Another thing that makes me smile ALWAYS: Friends. It’s my favorite TV show EVER. I’ve been asking for the complete dvd set since I was aware it existed. Since it’s roughly $200 – no one ever buys it for me. Those things along with the other awesomeness I listed would be super awesome gifts. Just keep them in mind for future reference ;)
When is your birthday? Do you have an awesome birthday wishlist too?
Feb 27, 2013
Zoo trip!

I posted recently about how badly I’ve wanted to go to the zoo…AND I FINALLY GOT TO GO! It is more than a little ridiculous that I haven’t been to the zoo in a few years because I live roughly two blocks away from it. Maybe it is because every freakin year our school took us to the Houston Zoo because it was the cheapest thing to do? Well, a few months ago I learned they made some changes. SUPER awesome changes. Sooo, I decided I REALLY wanted to go. BAD. But of course, lack of time or $$ or not being able to schedule a time with someone to go…ya know how it goes. Well, my dad texted me around 6:30 am one morning asking if I wanted to go to the zoo that weekend. Um YES. Throughout the day we made plans, I invited people, blah blah blah…then my dad cancels on me that afternoon. Not a big surprise at all. BUT I said screw it. I’m still going to the damn zoo!
Luckily, my super awesome aunt/mom wanted to go! Her grandson, Ethan had never been. Why in the world hasn’t this kid gone to the zoo at least fifteen times like I had by that age?! Let me tell you, it was hilarious when we brought that kid into the zoo. He was freaking out. FREAKING OUT. So bad that while I was carrying him and showing him the fish can’t jump out the giant water bowls they are in, I put my hands in the air and this kid was holding onto me so tight he stayed there. Like a monkey clinging to a tree. He’d say NO TOUCH! haha I was putting my hands all over the glass to show him they weren’t going to get me or come out. I even pointed out some wimpy looking kids and how they weren’t scared. He didn’t buy it. After a while, he got the hang of it. He realized those animals weren’t out to get him.
He saw a turkey and thought it was pretty cool. At least that is what I’m assuming because he stared at it for a while. The meerkats were pretty darn cute. Oh! The giraffes! I loved them. Ethan did too. He was pretty excited when we saw them. He also really liked all the fake animals way more than the real animals. He got a kick out of the buttons you push that made the animal sounds. Crazy kid.
As you can see in the last picture, he was worn out. It was great. He’s nice when he’s sleeping!
When is the last time you’ve been to the zoo?